Reading Journal Reflection

New Reading Methodologies

The book “effortless reading” I read resonates with my recent journal post on on reading reforms.

Here is the summary: 这一本书介绍了如何在信息爆炸时代高速度读书。重点内容如下: 1.学会选书.选书就跟选朋友一样要慎重.你要客观的认识自己的优势和现在的社会处境。大多阅读是要抱着寻找解决自己生活上的问题而来的。如果你还在找工作,找实习的话就应该选技术性的书读而不是读如何拯救世界。有了明确的目标后看目录,看看哪一章和你的目标最符合就读那一章。然后在决定书的质量还有如何解决你的问题。 2.反复阅读。书就像朋友一样。我们都应该有150本经常需要翻阅的重要的书。那些书一次,两次等等是根本不够的。 3.概念书籍和行动书籍的平衡。你要根据自己的实际情况考虑自己需要读多点概念的书还是行动的书。有时候如果概念类的书读多了,自己满腔热血但是行动上无从下手就尴尬了。 4.读书如开车,要根据阅读内容调节自己的阅读速度。大多情况那些行动和概念的书都比较易读,但是经典的书或者自传,传记就没那么易读了。

Althought it is not perfect I do think a few motifications is necessary. But it forces me to focus more on the application side of reading. With the new mindset, and a recent inspriation/desperation, I decide to fight for a challenge.


Reading has been of my biggest hobby and it has make me much more powerful than I could ever be. Now I want to test my ability to effectively turn book knowledge into gold.

If I am not getting an internship in six weeks(which I need both financially and professionally, I am going to donate all my books. During this time, I could only have access to 10 of my physical books and unlimited digital books.

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