Learning Data Science Part 1

Have been working for a few months now. Outside of work, I spent hours searching through the internet to find resources and advice to become a better “data scientist.”

In general, I am trying to find: .news related to the industry
.new tools that I should use
.skills that I should learn (both technical and organizational skills)

Reflections on this approach to learn:i
1.spend more time reflecting on important information, try to internalize good paradigm I see, try to learn the good tool I see
2.spend more time reflecting on important information, try to internalize good paradigm I see, try to learn the good tool I see
3.spend more time reflecting on important information, try to internalize good paradigm I see, try to learn the good tool I see
4.reddit seems to be a good place to learn
5.I should check out zhihu as well

Table of Contents